← thE physicaL spherE oF studiO immO schneideR
40.00 euro
CinCinCin iS a collaboratioN betweeN immO schneideR anD amsterdaM baseD designeR kimberleY teR heerdT.
Material: Ink on canvas
Sizes: (Autumn 594 × 420 mm)
(Spring 420 × 594 mm)
(Summer 560 × 594 mm)
(Winter 280 × 594 mm)
CinCin is used during toasts or as a good omen. To have breakfast, lunch or dinner; to do a pic-nic on the grass; to remind you what day it is; to make plans for a small holiday; to dry plates, crockery or hands; to cover the table; to wrap the bread; to hang as a poster; to bring some mandarins to a friends' place. It's a project initiated by Elena Braida and Francesca Lucchitta.
The designers Immo Schneider (Berlin) and Kimberly ter Heerdt (Amsterdam) are teaming up for this years calendar. It’s designed on four individual fabrics covering each season. Every day awaits you a new text piece derived from Immo’s recently published ‘Instructions to Structure’, an idea for the creation of text and Kimberley’s computed interpretation of it. Making use of the one hundred most commonly used words in the english language.
Please select your shipping option:
→ Shipping to Amsterdam or Berlin (+ 6)
→ Shipping inside EU (+ 10)
→ Shipping outside EU (+ 17)
→ Personal pick up in Amsterdam or Berlin (+0)
⊕ Delivery contains 4 printed textiles
⊕ Edition of 40 sets
⊕ Colours are randomly chosen and may vary for each edition.
← thE physicaL spherE oF studiO immO schneideR
40.00 euro
CinCinCin iS a collaboratioN betweeN immO schneideR anD amsterdaM baseD designeR kimberleY teR heerdT.
Material: Ink on canvas
Sizes: (Autumn 594 × 420 mm)
(Spring 420 × 594 mm)
(Summer 560 × 594 mm)
(Winter 280 × 594 mm)
CinCin is used during toasts or as a good omen. To have breakfast, lunch or dinner; to do a pic-nic on the grass; to remind you what day it is; to make plans for a small holiday; to dry plates, crockery or hands; to cover the table; to wrap the bread; to hang as a poster; to bring some mandarins to a friends' place. It's a project initiated by Elena Braida and Francesca Lucchitta.
The designers Immo Schneider (Berlin) and Kimberly ter Heerdt (Amsterdam) are teaming up for this years calendar. It’s designed on four individual fabrics covering each season. Every day awaits you a new text piece derived from Immo’s recently published ‘Instructions to Structure’, an idea for the creation of text and Kimberley’s computed interpretation of it. Making use of the one hundred most commonly used words in the english language.
Please select your shipping option:
→ Shipping to Amsterdam or Berlin (+ 6)
→ Shipping inside EU (+ 10)
→ Shipping outside EU (+ 17)
→ Personal pick up in Amsterdam or Berlin (+0)
⊕ Delivery contains 4 printed textiles
⊕ Edition of 40 sets
⊕ Colours are randomly chosen and may vary for each edition.
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nothinG founD yeT? keeP explorinG
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← thE physicaL spherE oF studiO immO schneideR
is(…), could(…), would(…), should(…)
‘thE physicaL spherE oF studiO immO schneideR’ shapeS thE counterparT tO thE commissioN baseD desigN ‘Studio Immo Schneider’ bY collectinG alL creationS leavinG thE intangiblE realmS intO thE reaL worlD.