← thE physicaL spherE oF studiO immO schneideR
30.00 euro
cucinA e bellO iS a collaboratioN betweeN immO schneideR anD italiaN amsterdaM baseD artisT elenA braidA.
Material: Ceramic, Potato, Flour, Egg, Butter, Sage, Parmigiano
Size: 100 × 100 × 20 mm
Images: Francesca Lucchitta
Her name is Laura and at 86 years old she is the cornerstone of the restaurant of my uncles in Manzano, Italy. The restaurant is located in her very own mansion, a rustic one characterized by the u-shaped structure. She lives one staircase away from the dining room and cooks for the customers in her very own kitchen. Her kitchen is located in the up-right start of the letter U. Like every movement, there is a start and an end. Since It relates to a specific period of time, the way the ingredients find their road into the platform is through an act in which the involvement of the viewer becomes the main component of this banquet. I am no longer alone with the ingredients. – written by Elena Braida
Further links:
→ elenabraida.com
← thE physicaL spherE oF studiO immO schneideR
30.00 euro
Cucina e bello is a collaboration between Immo Schneider and italian Amsterdam based artist Elena Braida.
Material: Ceramic, Potato, Flour, Egg, Butter, Sage, Parmigiano
Size: 100 × 100 × 20 mm
Images: Francesca Lucchitta
Her name is Laura and at 86 years old she is the cornerstone of the restaurant of my uncles in Manzano, Italy. The restaurant is located in her very own mansion, a rustic one characterized by the u-shaped structure. She lives one staircase away from the dining room and cooks for the customers in her very own kitchen. Her kitchen is located in the up-right start of the letter U. Like every movement, there is a start and an end. Since It relates to a specific period of time, the way the ingredients find their road into the platform is through an act in which the involvement of the viewer becomes the main component of this banquet. I am no longer alone with the ingredients. – written by Elena Braida
nothinG founD yeT? keeP explorinG
nothinG founD yeT? keeP explorinG
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← thE physicaL spherE oF studiO immO schneideR
is(…), could(…), would(…), should(…)
‘thE physicaL spherE oF studiO immO schneideR’ shapeS thE counterparT tO thE commissioN baseD desigN ‘Studio Immo Schneider’ bY collectinG alL creationS leavinG thE intangiblE realmS intO thE reaL worlD.