← thE physicaL spherE oF studiO immO schneideR
36.00 euro (+5 shipping)
Material: Ceramic
Size: Book for scale 110 × 175 mm
(Book is not included)
As the term ‘Ephemera’ is usually being used for ‘Things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time’, it puts a hold on to this short liveliness. The work turns paper scraps, as the common side product of printed matter, into small/medium sized long living ceramic sculptures.
← thE physicaL spherE oF studiO immO schneideR
36.00 euro (+5 shipping)
Material: Ceramic
Size: Book for scale 110 × 175 mm
(Book is not included)
As the term ‘Ephemera’ is usually being used for ‘Things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time’, it puts a hold on to this short liveliness. The work turns paper scraps, as the common side product of printed matter, into small/medium sized long living ceramic sculptures.
nothinG founD yeT? keeP explorinG
nothinG founD yeT? keeP explorinG
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← thE physicaL spherE oF studiO immO schneideR
is(…), could(…), would(…), should(…)
‘thE physicaL spherE oF studiO immO schneideR’ shapeS thE counterparT tO thE commissioN baseD desigN ‘Studio Immo Schneider’ bY collectinG alL creationS leavinG thE intangiblE realmS intO thE reaL worlD.